The Philippines!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Philippine is an archipelago consisting of 7,100 islands. It is surrounded by the South China Sea in the North and the West; the Pacific Ocean in the East. With 17,460 kilometers of coastline and marine waters covering 1,666,000 km2, Its fisheries resources include 2,200 sq km of coastal and oceanic waters while the inland resources include 338,000 ha swamplands, 253,000 ha brackishwater and freshwater fishponds and 250,000 ha of lakes, rivers and reservoir.


Philippines is generally mountainous, has almost every variety of topographical feature  ranging  from  swamps, such as  those at the head of Manila Bay, to the high mountain masses culminating in Mount Apo, 9,690 feet, in the southern  island of  Mindanao.  The Country has extensive fertile coastal and central plains and rolling uplands, Large  valleys traversed by big rivers, lie between mountain ranges.  Situated in the great volcanic chain surrounding  the Pacific, the country is dotted with many active and extinct volcanoes of which Taal  Volcano and Mount Mayon, with its almost perfect cone shape, re the most famous.


The climate  is generally warm and humid most of the year, there are three seasons: hot, dry season and from March to end of May, terminated often by violent thunderstorms and  short torrential rains; the rainy season from June to end of October, during which rain may be expected almost daily, particularly at its peak which  is around the   month of July;  the cooler, dry season from November to end of February. Manila  by far largest city, has a mean annual temperature  of 79oF (26oc).  Average relative  humanity  ranges from 69 % in April and 84 % in August  and September. Ocean breezes of moderate strength  are regular  but they fail to bring relief from the heat because of the humidity.

Typhoons are common in the Philippines during the rainy season. Most typhoons occur during the month of August to October, but they may come as early as May or as late as December. Manila is rarely struck severely, but wind velocities may reach 60 miles an hour or more when the centre of the typhoon is close by.  During heavy rains many streets in Manila are subject to flooding like what happen last September 26, 2009 where typhoon Ondoy hit entire luzon and cause lost of life and livelihood of fisherman surrounded in the lake basin.  

Earth tremors occur frequently  but are usually of minor intensity. In 1969 and 1970, however, fairly heavy earthquakes struck the Visaya area on October 15, 2013 with a magnitude of 7.2 causing some loss of life and damage in the entire visaya region.

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